Standardized Test Preparation
Maximize your test scores with individualized test prep instruction
A proven test-prep formula with individualized instruction
We begin with a FREE proctored test which pinpoints exactly what areas your student needs to work on. This can be done preferably in our office in Cupertino, but can also be done remotely. If done remotely, the test will then be scanned and sent to GOALS.
Next, our team will review the proctored test and compile recommendations to create a plan for success. We schedule a meeting with you and your student to review the results and our recommendations to finalize the plan.
As your student meets with their test prep instructor, they will discuss strategies and homework which your student will complete over the next week.
This routine of a session followed by guided homework will continue for the length of your student’s GOALS test prep program. This will be mixed in with additional proctored practice tests to monitor overall improvement. Our test prep ends with a “final” practice test to measure total test readiness.
And we do all of this at very competitive prices.
A test-prep schedule that fits your schedule
We work one-on-one with your student to develop individual study plans. This means that your student can start our test prep program at any time, and fit it to their schedule. GOALS is open six days a week with extensive hours. We offer a wide variety of session times. The name of the game is flexibility.
All of our test prep packages require a time commitment of 6 hours per week. We know that’s a significant amount of time for your student each week. However, these time targets are based on a large data-set from students who have worked with us over the years. We have found that less work does not result in a significant improvement in scores. For very busy students, we have condensed time package options.
Test Prep Packages are available for more than SAT/ACT tests! Ask us about subject tests, AP, HSPT, ISEE and other options.
“GOALS helped me raise my ACT test scores and now I’m applying to the colleges that I’d really like to attend. Taking multiple practice tests really helped me feel confident and do my best on test day.”
Senior, Mountain View High School
|ACT & SAT Test Prep Packages|
Please note that all packages are used as guidelines, rather than inflexible products. They are adjustable based on you and your student’s needs.
Basic Package
(4 weeks)
This package is a solid start to prep students for test day.
6 hours of work per week at GOALS
1 FREE full-length diagnostic test given in a simulated test environment
Analysis of the diagnostic test and a summary of our plan for the student and their parents
4 1:1 sessions with our highly trained instructors
20 hours of guided homework time
2 additional full-length practice tests given in a simulated test environment
Recommended for: Students who want to see some improvement in their test scores or who have limited time to prepare.
Premium Package
(6 weeks)
This package is for students who want to maximize their test preparation and get their best possible score.
6 hours of work per week at GOALS
• 1 free full-length diagnostic test given in a simulated test environment
• Analysis of the diagnostic test and a summary of our plan for the student’s parents
• 6 1:1 sessions with our highly trained instructors
• 30 hours of guided homework time
• 2 additional full-length practice tests given in a simulated test environment
Recommended for: Students who want to see the greatest improvement in their scores.
Mid-range Package
(5 weeks)
This package is Ideal for students who want more individual attention.
6 hours of work per week at GOALS
1 FREE full-length diagnostic test given in a simulated test environment
Analysis of the diagnostic test and a summary of our plan for the student and their parents.
5 1:1 sessions with our highly trained instructors
25 hours of guided homework time
2 additional full-length practice tests given in a simulated test environment
Recommended for: Students who want to see a significant improvement in their score but are limited by the closeness of the test date.
Crash Course Package
(3 weeks)
This package is for those students who have limited time to devote to test prep – let us help you achieve your highest score in minimum time.
• 7 hours of work per week at GOALS
• 1 free full length diagnostic test given in a simulated test environment
• Analysis of the diagnostic test and a summary of our plan for the student’s parents
• 3 1:1 sessions with our highly trained instructors
• 18 hours of guided homework time
• 2 additional full length practice tests given in a simulated test environment
Recommended for: Students who have less than four weeks to prepare or students with very busy schedules.
*All package prices are approximate and billed per actual session time
Not sure which test is best for your student? Sign up for a FREE Test Prep Consultation and we can talk about options or arrange to have your student take a practice ACT and a practice SAT and they can decide which test they prefer.
When should you start studying?
For the best results, we recommend that your student start their test prep approximately two months before the actual test date. We do not offer test prep fewer than three weeks in advance of the test because we have not seen that such condensed prep is valuable enough for us to charge you for it. If your timing is this condensed, we recommend you choose a different date so your student has enough time to prepare. There are links to testing dates in the table above.

Money-Back Guarantee
We are so certain that your student will see improvement in their test scores that we offer a money back guarantee. If your student does not see an improvement in their score from their first diagnostic test with us to their actual test, we will refund your money in full.*
The dirty little secret of test prep is that most students will without a doubt improve with practice, but almost no student will actually do the practice homework that they need to do to improve. That’s why we have incorporated guided homework time into all of our test prep programs to make sure our students actually see improved scores on testing day.
* Student must complete one of our test prep packages within two months of the initial diagnostic test. Only one refund per family. Students must take the official ACT or SAT within three months of completing our program. To receive a refund, the student’s score must not increase between the initial diagnostic test they take at GOALS and the official ACT. If your student has an IEP or 504 accommodations in school which are applicable to timed tests and regularly uses those accommodations but opts not to ask for those accommodations on the test, we cannot guarantee improvement.